

Android Question running the app with ROOT permission

2020年6月24日 — We all have seen various apps asking for superuser permissions to do weird things with our devices and many times we wondered how they do it.

Create a service with root permission

I would like to create a service with root permission on an Android device such that I can communicate with this service from a regular app.

How to easily root an Android device

2016年6月3日 — The app version ... The easiest way to use KingoRoot is to install the app version, which literally performs the root process with just one tap.

Is it possible to run an android app as root

2021年8月21日 — Inside a JVM there is no root user, therefore it is impossible. This might explain it better: ...

Launching Android Studio under Root every time

2016年10月18日 — While I wouldn't recommend running the IDE as the root user, you could create (or modify) the .desktop file for the app and create a custom ...

Rooted my phone already. Now, how to run any app as root?

2017年1月25日 — I've already successfully rooted my phone, but am wondering how to run any app as root. I'm no computer newbie -- 20+ years using FreeBSD ...

Run android program as root

2012年2月8日 — This will work for you: try Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(su); process.waitFor(); } catch (IOException e) e.


* This program runs as set-uid root on Android production devices. * Be very conservative when modifying it to avoid any serious. * security issue. Keep in ...

Running a program as root on Android

2013年12月13日 — Running a program as root on Android · 3: For the terminal emulator, a workaround is to simply execute su (of course) program after executing ...